21. maj 2011


Hello guys !
Im not gonna blog so much in this time.. sorry !

17. maj 2011


The new fever called FeltonFever ..
It is a very bad fever!
The cuse: Vote for Tom Felton as Best Villian !
Do it many many times every day and wola ! No more fever :D !

16. maj 2011

Did You Know?

Hello Everyone !
Here comes some : Did You Know That About Tom Felton ?

Tom didnt know what "Harry Potter" was when he went to his first cast.

One time was there a guy who want to adopt Tom and chance his name to Draco.

Tom Felton has made some great songs ( If You Could Be Anywhere and Hawaii )

Tom has made movies since he was 7-8 years old.

Enjoy! xx

Great Tom Felton Sites

Hello amazing people !

Here is some Tom Felton websites:

Try them (: xx


Hello !

Tom is on Twitter !

His Twitter-name is @ !

Follow him !

Tom has also some amazing supporters on Twitter here is some of them:

@ ( drives this amazing site! )

And of course follow @ and @ ! They "help" Tom with his music..

Hope you enjoy! xx

Vote Vote Vote !

Hello again !

Remember to vote for Tom as "Best Villian" Here 

Here are a video :

If it is to small go to this link from Youtube

Enjoy ! xx


Hello all'

I will try to blog about Tom Felton !

Here are some facts about Tom:
Thomas Andrew Felton
Born  22 September 1987
He is best known for playing the role of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series

Here are some pic :


Enjoy ! xx